6 Signs You're Being Called Into Deathwork
Jan 21, 2025Is death calling you to walk alongside beings who are dying? If you’re looking for a sign … here’s another one.
I’ve been thinking lately about all the folks I’ve spoken to over the years who are called to companion dying and grieving and the beautiful things we have in common. Over cups of tea and Zoom windows, I’ve heard dozens of stories of all the ways Death calls us to work alongside her from the land of the living.
Among the things we share is one other … doubt. Is death calling me? To do what? Am I qualified? Why me? How do I know for sure?
Hearing these stories is one of my favorite parts of doing this work. If I can be a solid voice that shouts “Yes!”, I am so honored. Because if you’re asking for a sign, your question is it’s answer.
But here are a few more things I’ve noticed we often share in common.
6 Signs You’re Being Called to Deathwalk:
1 - Dying/dead beings often cross your path; you are a safe presence for death.
2 - Your bookshelf is full of books about death and grief; death sparks your curiosity.
3 - Macabre doesn’t scare you; death blesses us with beauty too, if we can see it through our fear.
4 - You feel comfortable with mystery; the easy answers aren’t usually the best ones.
5 - People often share their own experiences with death with you; you know how to hold space for the deepest stories.
6 - It feels natural to lean in when others lean away; to me, this is the nugget of the calling.
Still wondering if you’re called, let’s chat - I’d love to hear your story. Contemplating what to do next? Maybe sit back and see where death leads you. Already walking the path - deepest bows, from my heart to yours.
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